Moving to a new place can be exciting. You get to live in a new neighborhood, or even a new city, or maybe you are moving out on your own for the first time. However exciting it is, the prospect of getting all of your things from point A to point B can be stressful...
Moving can be stressful in itself let alone trying to find a new home for all of your unwanted belongings. Maybe you’d rather hang onto items that you’re unsure about giving away? Perhaps you just don’t have the time to go through all of what you have to make a...
After weeks of planning your move, the big day has finally arrived. You’ve double-checked your moving checklist to make sure that you haven’t missed anything important. If you have made the decision to move yourself rather than hiring a professional moving...
Moving a household is an expensive endeavor. Whether you choose to hire a professional moving company like Jay’s Small Moves, or are ready to tackle the move yourself, you need to be prepared for the expense that you will incur. If you are concerned about the...
Moving an entire office can be a very stressful event. Not only do you have to make sure that your employees are ready for the move, but you have to secure a reliable professional moving company in order to transport all of your office furniture to the new location...