Moving to a new house across town can be stressful enough, but moving out of the state can compound your worries two-fold. Along with having to get your entire house moved, you may also have to find away to get your car shipped to the new destination as well as finding a flight for yourself. With long distance moves everything has to move like clockwork. One little mistake or forgotten detail could derail your entire move before the first box is even loaded onto the truck. With the right plan and a thorough checklist like the one found on Real Simple, you can ensure that your long distance move out of town will go as smoothly as possible.
Start Early
The last thing that you want to do when you are moving is to wait until the last minute to do everything. This is especially true for long distance moves. When you are looking at a long distant move, there are often times more things that you will have to arrange, and the sooner that you can do this the better off that you will be. You also want to make sure that you leave yourself some extra time to get rid of anything that you won’t be taking with you. If you wait until the last minute to throw out all of your junk, you may find your trash bins a bit overloaded.
Purge Your Home
Something you may not think about while you are preparing to move is getting rid of items that you no longer use before you move into your new home. As you are packing your home, consider each item carefully and decide if it is something that you will absolutely have to have in your new home. Consider the furniture that you have and think about whether it is worth the cost to have it shipped, or if you can live without the item until after you’ve gotten settled in your new home. Once you’ve packed everything that you want to move, and have a garage sell to get rid of the rest.
Clearly Mark Your Boxes
As you are packing your boxes, make sure that you clearly mark where is one will need to go in your new home. You will make your life, and that of your movers a whole lot easier. If they aren’t clearly labeled, the movers will constantly be asking you where the boxes go. Even worse yet they will simply leave everything in your living room, leaving you to have to move them into the correct room.
Don’t Hire a Broker
When it comes time to find the right company to help you move, make sure that you hire an actual moving company like Jay’s Small Moves rather than a broker. Don’t hire a broker who is simply a middleman between you and the moving company. When you aren’t dealing directly with the moving company you run the risk of there being miscommunications, and lack of control when it comes to your move. You will also end up paying a higher cost.
When you are moving across state lines, it is important to make sure that you have everything planned well in advance so that you can make a smooth move. An important aspect of your move is hiring the right moving company, someone like us! Give us a call today at (415) 999-6795 and we can talk about your big move!